Ellen Soderquist The Art of Gesture Drawing 英文正式版(藝術姿態繪畫視頻教程軟體)(DVD版)
商品名稱: Ellen Soderquist The Art of Gesture Drawing
商品分類: DVD綜合程式軟體
商品類型: 藝術姿態繪畫視頻教程軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2008-04-25
熱門標籤: 藝術姿態繪畫視頻教程軟體
"愛倫 薩德奎斯特"主講的藝術姿態繪畫視頻教程,全程1小時19分鐘.
Ellen Soderquist is a recent addition to LOA Productions starting this video on
Gesture Drawing. She has been teaching gesture as well as other graphite based
techniques for 19 years, including courses taught at Brookhaven College in Dallas,
Texas and private classes in her studio near Coit and Belt Line, Texas. In this
video, she teaches by demonstrating with a live model and then letting her students
apply their hand at various exercises. Ellen then follows up with critique of their
work so that every level of artist will see themselves somewhere among her
In this video, both tangible and conceptual aspects of gesture drawing are
presented through a series of demonstrations, exercises and critical examples. Not
only does gesture drawing provide the essential basis for the development of the
nude body in works of art; but it also disciplines the eye, hand and mind to
capture that elusive life-like essence of humanity.
Ellen Soderquist has exhibited her drawings of the figure and taught life drawing
since 1979. As an artist, Soderquist creates intelligent and sensuous pencil
drawings of the human body. As a teacher, she advocates that her students not only
learn the techniques of life drawing but that they also understand the history of
the nude as an art form, and that they communicate their ideas about humanity
through their work. As a lecturer and an author she delves into the past to bring
the complex relevance of the unlothed human body to the consciousness of
contemporary culture.
Through art, teaching, writing, and lecturing, Soderquist continues to address the
importance of the nude in an interchange of information with those who have an
interest in how perceptions of the nude shape art of a culture.
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