
SAP Business Objects Enterprise XI v3.1 SP2 英文正式版(資料視覺化工具軟體)(DVD版)

商品名稱: SAP Business Objects Enterprise XI v3.1 SP2

商品分類: DVD綜合程式軟體

商品類型: 資料視覺化工具軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/2003/Vista

更新日期: 2009-10-09

熱門標籤: 資料視覺化工具軟體 


SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius Enterprise 是一種點按式的資料視覺化工具,專門用來建立

以安全方式即時連線至 SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise 和 SAP BusinessObjects Edge.

的互動式分析和儀表板。然後,您可以透過 Microsoft Office、Adobe PDF、網路、 Crystal

Reports, 或商務智慧 (BI) 入口網站,線上共用這些兼具美觀與實用意義的視覺效果。

SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius Enterprise 的拖放功能表和滑動軸可以讓您清晰地呈現商業



This is SP2 of Business Objects Enterprise XI v3.1. It is a very

large Microsoft patch (.msp). On a single processor Modern Xeon

Quad Core processor (E5440+), it takes roughly 6 hours for this to

install. This is expected and is not the fault of SHOCKiSO.

SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise software is a flexible and scalable

information infrastructure that makes it easy for you to discover

and share insight for optimal decision making. Built on a

service-oriented architecture, the software offers an extensive

set of solutions on a single platform ?and enables IT departments

to extend BI to any application or process in any environment.

With SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise, the BI software that empowers

your organization to gain uncontestable insight essential to making

cost-effective and profitable business decisions, you can:

Deliver the most extensive set of BI solutions on a single platform

for better and faster decision making while requiring minimal IT


Empower employees with visibility and self-service by providing a

single place where users can find the relevant information they need

to do their jobs

Reduce deployment- and maintenance-related costs by facilitating

integration with your existing IT infrastructure and deploying BI

applications for heterogeneous environments

Extend insight from BI to everyone by taking advantage of

near-linear scalability and technological innovations such as

built-in load balancing, caching services, and data sharing

Embed BI in any application or business process with comprehensive

integration capabilities such as fine-grained software development

kits and Web services

:: Install Notes ::

Extract all files to any directory using RAR/WINRAR. Burn with

CDR-WIN or compatible software.

Install by running setup.exe.

If you recieved this NFO file/program from a website and the

serial(s), crack, license file or other components are missing,

contact the site or search for it - do NOT request it from us.


SAP Business Objects Enterprise XI v3.1 英文正式版(DVD版)

SAP Business Objects Enterprise XI v3.1 Client 英文正式版(企業管理軟體)(DVD版)

SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI V3.1 SP2 Service Pack 2 繁體中文/英文正式版(商務智慧平台升級版)(DVD版)

SAP Business Objects Edge Series v3.0 繁/英/法/義/日/韓文多國語言正式版(DVD版)(商業分析工具)

2011年02月 最新版 Windows Server 2008 SP2 MSDN x86 & x64 MSDN Standard, Enterprise, and Datacenter 三合一版本+Microsoft Office 2010/ 2007 SP2/ 2003 SP3 繁體中文合輯版(DVD9版)(此片售價300元)(內含02月更新檔)

    創作者 東方娃娃學園遊戲 的頭像


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