Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 SP1 x64 英文正式版(數據收集軟體)
商品名稱: Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 SP1 x64
商品分類: 微軟系列程式軟體
商品類型: 數據收集軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2008-07-16
熱門標籤: SP1
check crack\install.txt
Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 是一個數據收集解決方案,它可伸縮,增強了安全
性並基於標準構建。使用這個解決方案,可以允許您的組織中的每個人都用 Web 瀏覽器加
Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 provides scalable,
standards-based electronic forms solutions with enhanced
security that can help your organization to extend the
reach of forms-driven business processes to anyone with
a Web browser.
Office Forms Server 2007 is a new server offering in the
Microsoft Office system. It is a standalone server that
delivers new Microsoft Office InfoPath Forms Services,
which is also available in Microsoft Office SharePoint
Server 2007. This new technology uses server-based
electronic forms to streamline business processes and
make data collection, distribution, and integration more
cost-effective than with paper-based forms.
Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 SP1 x64 DUTCH 英文正式版(數據收集軟體)
Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 SP1 x64 英文正式版(項目和資源管理軟體)
Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Enterprise and Standard Editions x64 英文正式版(DVD版) (此片售價200元)
2009年10月 最新版(內含10月 最新更新檔) Windows Server 2008 SP2 MSDN x86 & x64 MSDN Standard+Enterprise and Datacenter 三合一版本+Microsoft Office 2007 SP2/2003 SP3/XP SP3/2000 SP3 繁體中文合輯版(DVD9版)(此片售價300元)
2010年03月 最新版(內含03月 最新更新檔) Windows Server 2008 SP2 MSDN x86 & x64 MSDN Standard+Enterprise and Datacenter 三合一版本+Microsoft Office 2007 SP2/2003 SP3/XP SP3/2000 SP3 繁體中文合輯版(DVD9版)(此片售價300元)